As convention is approaching we are picking up the pace, finishing the details and making a test run over the modules.
Ground cover and Old town
Modules are starting to grow some green on them…
Continue reading “Ground cover and Old town”
Track ballast and The Loop…
Davor ballasted modules after painting plaster undercoat. Also, The Loop begins to take its shape.
Plastering begins
This month was all about plastering and painting.
Modules are covered
During last month of works we finished almost all of the construction.
Cork roadbed starts to get its final shape
As we started placing and marking final position for turnouts, we were able to mark all the centerlinesĀ for cork roadbed. Continue reading “Cork roadbed starts to get its final shape”
Task for today was cutting and fixing subroadbed. Continue reading “Subroadbed”
Modules are assembled
After only two work sessions we have all the modules assembled (frames). Continue reading “Modules are assembled”
First modules assembled
Assembly of first few modules is done. Continue reading “First modules assembled”
Work on new modules has began
Work has begun on new modules. Continue reading “Work on new modules has began”