US Modellbahn convention in Rodgau – 2017

After a great debut at the 2015 Convention, we promptly committed to registering as exhibitors for the next event. The convivial ambiance and captivating exhibits were irresistible. However, the organizers had imposed a stringent condition: our layout must consist of no less than fifty percent new content to be eligible for the exhibition.

With that in mind, we promptly set to work on developing fresh modules.
More info about Convention can be found here and gallery from 2017 here.

The Modules

Over the past two years, we’ve developed numerous new modules and implemented innovative ideas. One of these ideas involved incorporating reversing loops to increase flexibility during setup. With this addition, we can stretch and spread out the layout, utilizing various shapes such as “U,” “S,” or “T,” without being confined to the limitations of the original circular driving layout.

We modified the dimensions of specific modules, increasing the length to 1.5 m instead of 1 m in areas where the landscape required it. Additionally, we decreased the height of the new modules by half, from 19 to 9.5 cm. This enabled them to occupy less room during packing and transportation. To create a more aesthetically pleasing landscape while taking up less space, we also decreased the width of the module from 50 to 30 cm. Despite these alterations, we maintained the new modules’ compatibility with the older ones.

The primary novelty involved integrating the “El Peso Riverside” segment, where the barge conveyed the railway structure across the river. The barge is constructed as a self-contained unit, complete with all mechanical, electronic, and software elements. Moreover, software facilitated the automatic extraction and movement of wagons from the barge on both banks.

The increased number of modules and its volume made it impossible to transport them with only two passenger cars. Consequently, we rented a van and barely managed to load all the modules and three members of our five-member team. On Friday, setting up the model took most of the day, but everything went smoothly.

The Convention

The weekend flew by quickly. Our display in the central area of the spacious hall drew the continuous interest of visitors who have become accustomed to our Croatian team’s model-making expertise in American railways over the last two years. We reconnected with familiar acquaintances from previous Conventions, and also made the acquaintance of new faces. The models on display were outstanding, and we were delighted to see our long-time friends from Slovenia participating in the exhibition.

On Sunday afternoon, we completed our task and proceeded to disassemble and pack the modules for transportation. The following morning, we departed for Zagreb, filled with memories from the previous weekend.