Here are some pictures of other layouts from convention. Continue reading “Rodgau Convention – Part 4: Other layouts”
Rodgau Convention – Part 3: Day two and return home
Second day went by same as first one. Little bit of shopping (some less, Oli more :-)), browsing around and having fun altogether. Continue reading “Rodgau Convention – Part 3: Day two and return home”
Rodgau Convention – Part 2: Day One
Convention started on Saturday and its start was (traditionally) sounded by organizer who blew a horn at 10:00. There was a long line on Continue reading “Rodgau Convention – Part 2: Day One”
Rodgau Convention – Part 1: Setup
We started for Frankfurt on Thursday, 5:30 in the morning, too early for most of us :-). Plan was to arrive day earlier and then have the whole Friday for doing setup. Decision was made to visit one museum Continue reading “Rodgau Convention – Part 1: Setup”