Module name: La Manzana
Dimension: 200x50cm
Type: Straight station module (2 segment module)
Gauge: Standard + Narrow (only from one side)
Description: Passing siding module with stock pen (double)
This is a longer passing siding module. Beside the siding itself, it has stock pen spur.
There is a water tower and MoW section on the siding and parking lot across the tracks.
Water tower is Atlas kit, painted and lightly weathered.
MoW section has speeder shed which is scratch built from cardboard and windows from parts bin. There is assortment of Woodlands scenic parts and junk, several figures, cars and a motorcycle (WS metal kit).
Stock pen is made from Campbel kit, following general concepts but layout and size is adjusted for available space. Pen floor is covered with fine gravel and one of the pens has sheep in it.
On part of the parking across the tracks is chain gang doing their work, and several vehicles.
Besides WS metal kit motorcycles, vehicles are from Busch, Athearn and Praline. Figures are Noch and Preiser.