Rodgau Convention – Part 3: Day two and return home

Second day went by same as first one. Little bit of shopping (some less, Oli more :-)), browsing around and having fun altogether.

As a thanks to organizers we made coffee mugs with El Peso RR logo and presented it to them (together with El Peso key chains :-)). We discussed our participation in next Convention (in 2017) with them and decided to keep options opened. We will definitely be there and hopefully in exhibitor role.

Convention was closed at 17:00 and we started dismantling our layout. Last run to the cars was little bit after 20:00 when we thanked our host and left for the hotel. This time we sat outside with Croatian beer and snacks.

We started our trip back early in the morning on Monday and visited museum of German automobile history München (EFA-MUSEUM für Deutscheautomobilgeschichte). There were some great exhibits to be seen there and after a few hours visit we continued home.

Arrival at Zagreb was around 22:00, we unpacked most of the modules from the cars and went home.

After a few days of (work) relaxation we get together for a beer and recapitulation of this little (big) adventure. There are some plans (and material already bought), there is also a will and story of El Peso will probably continue :-).