Module name: Minalittas Road
Dimension: 100x30cm
Type: Straight module
Gauge: Standard
Description: Module with gas station and orchard
This module has orchard with orange trees on one side and small service station on another. Between them is Minalittas road going across the tracks.
Orange trees are made from foam balls covered in green ground foam and WS oranges. They are removable for ease of transportation. Two trucks (weathered) and figures are placed besides the orchard.
Service station across the road from orchard is composed of gas station and garage. Gas station is is WS metal kit with added interior (printed details, counter, figure and lighting) and few details around pump island. Signs and posters are period appropriate.
In the back is garage scratch built from styrene siding, Grandt Line doors and windows and cardboard roof covered in tar paper (simulated using masking tape and paint). It has complete interior in both garage and office (including furniture, period posters, tools and lighting).
In front of the garage is car with popped hood and detailed engine compartment, several figures (mechanics and customers). There are several other figures around cars, mostly from Preiser but few from WS and Noch. Assortment of painted and weathered metal Woodlands Scenic “junk” rounds up the garage scene.
In front of gas station are cars and WS metal motorcycle painted in gloss red and figure (inspired by Danny Zuko, Fonzie and likes).
Vehicles are from WS, Wiking, CMW and Busch.