Fleisch Mine

Module name: Fleisch Mine
Dimension: 80x80cm
Type: Corner module
Gauge: Standard + Narrow
Description: Corner module with a mine and narrow gauge branch

This corner module is combined standard and narrow gauge module. There is narrow gauge branch that splits from the main line and descend towards the mine. It goes down the cut and under the narrow gauge main line bridge and turn to the mine. There is one switch leading to the small hand powered turntable and line that goes under the loader.
On the tailings side of mine are worker and air compressor. One hobo with a dog is walking alongside narrow gauge line towards the bridge.

Wooden retaining wall between standard gauge line and narrow gauge branch is scratch built from balsa strips and coffee stirrers. There are NBW castings and styrene (simulating metal) connecting plates. Wood is stained and weathered with powder. Abutments are carved from extruded foam, painted and weathered.

Bridge on the narrow gauge line crossing over its branch is scratch built from wooden strips, metal NBW and styrene tension bolts and gussets. It is modelled after classic pony truss design, slightly modified to use available material and build time.

Mine itself is also scratch built structure inspired by AMB kit but slightly altered in layout. It has enclosed headframe, loading house and tailings trestle. On one side of loading house are entrance doors and stairs leading to it. Structure core is styrene covered with wood strips. Windows on the loading house are Grand Line and both entrance door and sliding door on tailings trestle are scratch built. Stairs are made from wood strips. Corrugated roofing is made from kitchen foil, shaped over ribbon cable (individual scale 4×8 pieces), then primed and weathered with pastels.
Hoist house is small shed from Life-Like kit that is painted and weathered.
Because of the available space (or lack of it), hoist line enters headframe housing from side instead from back and there is supporting structure form the side also.

Turntable is built from coffee stirrers glued over styrene disc. Wood is stained and weathered with powders. It is neither powered nor electrified and serves only as decoration.

Module is named after a small narrow gauge locomotive that Oli put together for use on this module. It is made of Mini Trains Baldwin shell and Fleischmann N scale steam engine chassis.