El Peso Gears Up for Largest-Ever Model Railroad Exhibition in Zagreb Familly Mall

The El Peso team is gearing up for a new exhibition called “Alps – Danube – Adriatic,” which will be hosted by the Zagreb Model Railroader Club (KŽMZ) from May 19, 2023 to May 21, 2023. The exhibition will be held at the Family Mall, a large shopping center in the City of Zagreb, in Pavillion 1, which spans a massive 1200m2. For more information, visit the following website: www.kzmz.hr or https://familymall.hr/najveca-izlozba-zeljeznickih-modela-i-maketa-u-family-mallu/.

Over the course of two and a half days, we created a new and expansive layout consisting of 29 modules, which is our largest setup yet. One module did not make it to the layout and remained at home.

El Peso has used two main layout configurations: oval and point-to-point.

We have divided the entire El Peso layout into two distinct sections for this occasion. The first section comprises the barge with the old town, while the second section encompasses the remaining modules. The primary configuration will be operated using DCC.