Photo shooting on Minalittas Road

As we needed few pictures of finished module for Convention website Minalittas Road module seemed as a perfect candidate to do so.

There were just few things missing like ground cover on far side of track (narrow 2 cm strip) and more important garage behind the gas station.

There are also additional details missing from the gas station and module itself but that will be added later on anyway.

As far as garage is concerned I decided to make another paper mockup. First one was made just to test the dimensions but another, more detailed and robust is made for taking pictures until the real one is finished.

I decided to put a lot of vehicles on that module, probably more than I envisioned at planning stage. I also dug out lots of different figures to liven up the scenes. I’m still missing grove ladders, crates and similar stuff and some of those vehicles probably won’t be on the module. After I finished placing it on a module I liked the look of it and final arrangement on module could end up as lively place.

I took several pictures with train on the track using the opportunity of the vehicles and figures on the modules (even if temporary).

I’ll add some more pictures in a next few days.